
“Barely surprising, you could call yourself ‘the sun’ with how much you brighten up the day.”

“I wouldn’t call it managing. I am just trying to keep your shenanigans in check.”

“Planning? What’s that? I just do things… sometimes it works out… and sometimes not so much.”

“I will be late tonight, I’m at the finale of Yakuza 0, can’t stop!”

Core Beliefs
Be respectful
Treat others as you wish to be treated
Be accepting, differences make us wonderful and unique
Racism, sexism, Etc. Will Not Be Tolerated
Be friendly; This includes being Family Friendly
Wondrous Tales is a Safe For Work (SFW) Family-Friendly, and Casual Role Playing venue and community hub. We wish to see a friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Respect the author and other visitors alike by hiding obnoxious / annoying minions that may obstruct the view for people or be considered annoying in any way. This includes weapons too, yes even your fancy glowy Relic, please hide them all.
Reach out; Don’t be shy
If you have any questions during the event, ask in public chat, or if you don’t wish to or think that the public won’t know the answer, then please, kindly /tell anyone with “Looking to Meld Materia” tag. They’re our staff and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
We love making new friends and connections
As such, if you’re a streamer or representative of some community, please kindly reach out to Vik (Vikiridi Mikwel) to discuss promotion of your community/stream.
Lastly, the official FFXIV Rules and TOS apply at all times. If you break any of these rules we bear no responsibility.
Be mindful of player tags and use an appropriate tag in the venue
Tags are important in life. They inform you of all kinds of things. Price tags inform you of, well, the price. Story tags inform you of the genre and themes of the story, and Player Tags inform us, and our visitors of what to expect from each other.

Looking to meld Materia
Is to be used exclusively by the staff.
They will answer any questions you may have, don’t be shy to reach out to them. They will also happily accept any feedback that you may be too shy to share in public /say chat, and or address any other concerns of yours.

Role Playing (RP)
Is to be used by people who are in character roleplaying.
In-game command: /roleplaying
We are a casual Role Playing Venue, but what does that mean exactly? It means that in character interactions are permitted and accepted, but are not expected nor required. If you interact in character, role playing, with someone who does not have the same tag, please be respectful and understanding, and do not expect their responses to be in the same manner.

Is to be used by readers and observers who do not desire to be interacted with.
In-game command: /busy
This tag will inform the staff and other patrons that you simply desire to enjoy the story without being interacted with.
You may choose to put on Busy tag during prompt gathering by our writer because you do not wish to be prompted, in which case – please do not forget to remove it after. Otherwise you may opt to keep it on throughout the show, in which case – enjoy, we sincerely hope you have a good day.
No Tag
To be used by casual readers/attendees who don’t mind interaction but are not necessarily interested in Role Playing (RP). Expect casual responses.